villages hospital

Harbor Hills resident Dr. Mark Rothschild is featured in Style Magazine

From the Rose Bowl to the examination room to remote Villages in Papa New Guinea Harbor Hills residents continue to amaze us everyday! Harbor Hills resident Dr. Mark Rothschild is featured in Style Magazine.


Cardiologist Mark Rothschild is the picture of a man twice-blessed.

STORY: Pat Jocelyn PHOTOS: Mark Rothschild

It was the old man and the ageless task he was performing that first captured the good doctor’s attention.

Dr. Mark Rothschild had just arrived in a small village in Tari Province in Papua, New Guinea, and he was intrigued with the vignette being played out before him.

It was an image Rothschild captured on camera.

“I noticed a village elder had two pieces of twine and was rubbing them together (with a piece of bamboo),” Rothschild said.  Fascinated, the Central Florida cardiologist continued to observe the old man. “He made a fire and then lit his pipe. That’s when I took a picture of him.”

“This is one of my favorites,” Rothschild said as he studied the photo of the old man. “Photographically, it’s a really cool picture. He didn’t pose for this and his eyes are gazing (into the distance) so you got a perfect angle. He’s wearing a beautiful purple and red sari. And the fact that he made the fire that lit his pipe … I mean, where else are you going to see things like this? It’s so unique.”

It’s unique because Papua New Guinea is in the southwest Pacific Ocean, 8,378 miles from Rothschild’s office at Heart of the Villages, a medical group in The Villages. And unique because Rothschild is a cardiologist with a camera, not a professional photographer, explorer or anthropologist.

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